Important communication regarding personal data breach.


  • 1953

    Company founded by Luigi De Luca.
  • 1972

    First range in ABS
  • 1968

    Production of bathroom accessories in wood, porcelain and resin.

70 anni di


Our mission is to solve decorative
and functional needs for all types of bathroom.
We are committed to creating the best possible offer
of Italian-design accessory items in terms of innovation, wide range, and competitiveness.
The ultimate aim of our service is to create value for collaborators, partners and clients, combining professional expertise with
social and environmental responsibility. At Gedy, we have been adding the final touch to every bathroom since 1953.


We want to become world leaders, creating trends for the bathroom accessories sector and through
our sustainable approach, take Italian design all over the world. We want to be an attractive company for those who
are there, those who will be there, and for our partners. A business able to create feelings of pride and belonging.


We believe in people
We love things
that are well done
We go beyond
simply doing
CUCCIOLO - Accessori bagno

Gedy, 1974

Cucciolo, the toilet brush holder
with the extremely original shape, created to
revolutionise the design of
bathroom accessories. Since 1977, it has been part of the permanent design collection
at the MOMA, New York

Compasso d’Oro, 1979

Design Museum, Moma New York Permanent Collection

Triennale di Milano